Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rollin' In The Deep

So it is time to pick a pair of shoes. If you read my previous post "Poison" (click here), you would know that the poison has now festered deep in the mind. So for the last 1 week, I've been contemplating with this idea. 

Funnily enough, the 2 mahagurus who started this whole episode also started second guessing the idea lately (at times even more than I did!! Hahaha). And when the supervisor at the rim shop starts asking you not once but multiple time "eh, you betul kah?", you know what you are doing is not mainstream and definitely not for the faint hearted! :)

Fast forward to today, I had shortlisted to 3 designs:
19" Breyton GTS
20" BBS CH-R
20" Breyton GTR (full black version)

After shortlisting to Top-2, we ended up starring at both for almost 1 hour contemplating back and forth. To go for a deep dish look or concave look. Many people tried to help the 2 poor confused souls standing all blur staring at a car. Shop supervisors, workers, lady boss, clerk, and with the wonders of Wifi and FB, this even went online..... 
Look left, look right and repeat x 2,073 times

So which did I finally choose?

Hint : Like the song, it is the "Garang" version and rocks with this song..... 

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