Sunday, February 26, 2012

T-minus 48 hours and counting....

If I'm lucky, I'll get her back in 48 hours or less.
48 hours = 2880 minutes
2880 minutes = 172,800 seconds...

It's like the clock is moving backwards! Anyways, here's a few interesting sites and videos I stumbled upon over the Internet.

1) Turn up your speakers, sit back and enjoy! Mad props to European Auto Source (eAs) dyno beast

2) 37 pages (and counting) of eAs customerascar. I went through all 37 pages in 1 sitting ... American's really love using Volks on their bimmers. (Warning: 56k killer)

3) VF Engineering 700hp (575 at the wheel) M3 Monsta!

4) MFest 2010

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