Friday, February 17, 2012

Rebirth of an Eagle...

You've probably seen this motivational powerpoint slide circulated about how an eagle will have to make a difficult decision in it's 40th year to either do nothing and die OR to go into exile, go through a painful tranformation of CHANGE where it knocks it's beak out on a rock, pulls it's talons out, pluck all it's old feathers out.... and when all is complete, transform into a more magnificant eagle and an extra 30 years of life!

Well, according to the wildlife experts, it's a hoax. A great motivational video for us to embrace change and go through transformation... but a hoax nonetheless.

But what is NOT a hoax is the transformation my E39 will have to go through to become a magnificant beast of itself.

I knew that there were a couple of problem spots on her, but when I saw the spy pics I got, I was really surprised me how much work was actually needed...

 ps. Thanks a lot to the paparazzi who went there to check up on my car while I had to work...

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