Tuesday, May 22, 2012

e39 cluster unlock - Part 2

Instrument Cluster Test Function
** will continue updating on and off when I figure out what they mean / does **

Section 1 
1.0 - xxxxx                              VIN number
1.1 – 4812                               body number
1.2 - 837 235                           part number for cluster
1.3 – 043107                           coding / diagnosis / bus index
1.4 - 2896                               week/year cluster manufactured (week28,1996)
1.5 - 13_900                            hardware / software versions (HW13, 900SW)
1.6 - 500_06                            engine data (injection status, number of cylinder)    
1.7 - n/a                                  ROM status

Section 2
Cluster Test                                                                                 
Section 3 - 18

3.0 - 0324                                European Inspection /SI liter Data?                 

3.1 - 0061                                ??

4.0 – 0000                               momentary Fuel Consumption (ABC.D liter/1000km)
4.1 - 0013                                fuel consumption per hour (ABC.D liter/hour)

5.0 – 123                                 distance consumption (012.3 liters/100km)
5.1 – 0227                               distance to go (227km)

6.0 – 000283                           fuel level averaged
6.1 – 0284                               total tank level averaged
6.2 – 0282                               ??

7.0 - 093                                 coolant temp (93 degree celcius)
7.1 – 385                                outside temp (38.5 degree celcius)
7.2 – 073x to 076x                   engine speed (digital tachometer)
7.3 – 000                                 km/h (digital speedometer)

8.0 160-1AC                            hex codes
8.1 0582F4                              hex codes
8.2 018000                              hex codes
8.3 0C009C                             hex codes

9.0 146                                    battery voltage (14.6v)

10.0 08                                    country code

11.0 010000                             cluster code

12.0                                         not used

13.0                                         gong test

14.0 C781dd                             error memory - C7 Fuel tank sensor fuel pump side (confirm)

14.1 8d8806                             error memory - 8d EGS data lead disturbed

14.2 3F8800                             error memory - 3F instrument cluster current to high

14.3 d78100                             error memory - d7 fuel tank sensor (without fuel pump) - confirm
14.4 6F8800                             error memory - ??

30/5/2012 - post Reset (Test 21)

14.0 C781E9
14.1 8d8800
14.2 3F8800 *
14.3 d78100*
14.4 bf8800

Note to decipher the error code:

15 through 18 not used 

19.0                                         Cluster Unlock On/Off

20.0                                         Fuel Factor

For example
(I was lazy to take my own pics, so this out from the net:)

So, this is how you read it:
    Test 7.0 = Coolant Temp
    097       = 97 degrees

This helps when you want to monitor certain vitals. For example, for my battery going flat something after a few cranks:
1) unlock your cluster
2) look at Test 9.0 for the volt reading (before car running)
3) start the car
4) continue to monitor Test 9.0 for the volt reading (car running)

If the reading is lower than normal for 2), battery probably needs replacing.
If the reading is lower than normal for 4), alternator probably having problem.

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