Saturday, May 12, 2012

Car Alarm Upgrade

The car came with only 1 set of key and with no alarm. I've had a few closed calls of losing the key and if you know how much it cost to get a BMW key smith just to come over to get your car running, you'll know it is cheaper to just get this sorted out in the first place. My last close call y'day was a sign that I am just playing with time.

So, I woke up early this morning and drove over to get my alarm, immobilizer and spare key sorted out. I decided to upgrade the original alarm to....

due to security reasons!

HAHAHAH... sorry, due to security reasons, I will not be blogging about this. I might as well publish my online banking information and password. :)

It is enough to say.. I won't be going to sleep at night thinking ....

... if I lost or locked my only set of key in the car OR ...
... if I have to resort to this OR ...
... came back to where I parked my car and saw this...
The price you pay for some peace of mind...

1 comment:

  1. Whew! I thought you were going to let slip the alarm upgrade you did. :D Yeah, this information is as important as a bank account and its password. A car is a significant investment, if I may say so. This reveals that spending some money on such a security feature is as essential as buying the car itself. Though, bear in mind that not every impressive car alarm is fit for a car.

    -->Nelson Heimer
