Tuesday, February 7, 2012

BMW e39 - "Hidup Hanya Sekali.... "

After months of researching, scouting the Internet and car classifieds, looking at potential, shortlisting and then having second thoughts if I should take the plunge (or not), I decided that LIFE IS TOO SHORT and just do what makes you happy!

The Crew - Red Arrow vs Black Beauty
I've been heavily influence by 2 really close friends who I consider my blood brothers.... both of whom drive e39 themselves and you'll get to see more of them and their cars in later post.

However, it was an incident that happened that sent a reminder that Hidup Hanya Sekali - a local saying that means you only live once.

This blog will cronicle my experience on transforming this old vehicle to become the Ultimate Driving Machine

Here's a sneak peak of my humble ride

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