Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Rollin' In The Deep

So it is time to pick a pair of shoes. If you read my previous post "Poison" (click here), you would know that the poison has now festered deep in the mind. So for the last 1 week, I've been contemplating with this idea. 

Funnily enough, the 2 mahagurus who started this whole episode also started second guessing the idea lately (at times even more than I did!! Hahaha). And when the supervisor at the rim shop starts asking you not once but multiple time "eh, you betul kah?", you know what you are doing is not mainstream and definitely not for the faint hearted! :)

Fast forward to today, I had shortlisted to 3 designs:
19" Breyton GTS
20" BBS CH-R
20" Breyton GTR (full black version)

After shortlisting to Top-2, we ended up starring at both for almost 1 hour contemplating back and forth. To go for a deep dish look or concave look. Many people tried to help the 2 poor confused souls standing all blur staring at a car. Shop supervisors, workers, lady boss, clerk, and with the wonders of Wifi and FB, this even went online..... 
Look left, look right and repeat x 2,073 times

So which did I finally choose?

Hint : Like the song, it is the "Garang" version and rocks with this song..... 

Monday, February 27, 2012


24 hours hopefully.... the Secret will soon be out.

Meanwhile... enjoy

Sunday, February 26, 2012

T-minus 48 hours and counting....

If I'm lucky, I'll get her back in 48 hours or less.
48 hours = 2880 minutes
2880 minutes = 172,800 seconds...

It's like the clock is moving backwards! Anyways, here's a few interesting sites and videos I stumbled upon over the Internet.

1) Turn up your speakers, sit back and enjoy! Mad props to European Auto Source (eAs) dyno beast

2) 37 pages (and counting) of eAs customerascar. I went through all 37 pages in 1 sitting ... American's really love using Volks on their bimmers. (Warning: 56k killer)

3) VF Engineering 700hp (575 at the wheel) M3 Monsta!

4) MFest 2010

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Paintshop - Update 4

All the trims and pieces are now painted. Yippie!! 

M5 colour coordinated bumper & door moldings + handles
Folding side mirrors and petrol tank cover
M5 front and rear bumpers

I'm also happy about the chrome on windows have been painted black. Have to be careful as there is not much "rough surface" for the black paint to catch onto the chrome. Well, if it starts to peal, then the next option is to wrap them
Yesterday - Chrome window liners
Today - Flat black window liners
Love how the red, black and beige interior looks in this pic... 

If you have been keeping count (I have!!), today was Day-10, the day I collected the complete car. However,  I'll have to wait a couple of days for the paintshop to piece back the whole jigsaw of what is to hopefully end up as .... my car.

Paintshop - Update 3

The main shell has been painted. First impression looks good...

However, the shop is 2 days behind schedule already and they just started prepping the bumpers. The rest of the car is still pending to be painted - bumpers, side mirrors, reverse sensors, engine bay, door side moldings  and the chrome window trims (black). Definitely not getting the car back during the weekend. Just have to wait another 2-3 more days! 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


How much poison can 1 person take in the span of 2 weeks?
If you've been following this blog, apparently the brain can take quite a lot...

The 2 mahagurus have found yet another way to keep me awake at night as the poison festers in my mind and haunts my sleep!


Paintshop - Update 2

The car was supposed to go into the paint booth on Monday.... then Tuesday... now the plan is to go in tomorrow.

Well, judging from the pictures that was delivered by my trusted paparazzi, it looks like the car is now all scruffed up and if it's anything to go by, it's parked right in front of the paint booth door!

You gotta love the stock rims, right?
Just push the car in the booth and paint it lar!
Puurrrr..... lease lar!!!!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

E36 TT Session in Bukit Jelutong

There was a TT (teh tarik) session organized by some of the BMW Malaysia forummers. The crew decided to go down for a drive @ Bukit Jelutong to join the fun. Some of them came from as far as Penang & Johor. A convoy of about 6 e36 cars had also come down from Seremban (some of whom we personally know) and we meet them at the Toll Plaza before we convoyed  to the mamak shop.

Most of the Seremban guys were in 2 door coupes - with 1 in an original e36 M3 and another with a very gravitating external mod red e36.

Mark in his super clean e36
I was told it is not a standard M3 (3.0L) but a M3 Evo (3.2L)!!
Ah Kok's really uniquely done ride! Very friendly chap!
This picture does not do it justice.... it's much nicer in real life!

Hands down - the nicest, unique and attractive rims + brakes combo of all cars of the day

Red Arrow also got some attention as some people noticed an intercooler tucked behind the bumper. 

How lar wouldn't you notice?
Some of them asked if they could see the engine. He obliged sportingly and popped the hood. This quickly attracted a lot of attention and a lot of people came flocking to have a look. Lots of curious questions and photo snapping. 

However, I don't know if it is just the "purist" in some or some just born being a$$h0les, but it is sad when there is ALWAYS 1 in every gathering that will piss on everyone's parade. A reason why I stopped going for any car TTs for a long time... 

Personally, I think it's ok to have an opinion. It is even ok to state your opinion that you don't like it or whatever is on your mind. What I really cannot stand is when you stand at a slight distance, talk to someone else just loud enough in the background and diss a person's ride to reach the owner's ear. I don't own this ride and I was annoyed as hell. I respect Sifu Gee for keeping cool and ignoring it. You could sense some of the other regular forummers just feeling ashamed to be associated with that a$$ clown.

I would have handle the situation very differently. Very.... Either man-up and say you don't like something in public OR stand far away enough and speak what ever you want in the confines of your own quiet space. Jack ass....

Be A Man, Do The Right Thing - Russell Dominic Peters

Black Beauty... became even more beautiful

Following my previous post, Black Beauty went for a very quick "plastic surgery". Within 2 hours+, the transformation was complete. I must say Black Beauty... became even more beautiful.

Mahaguru Gee in Black Beauty with her new Angel Eyes
Her shoes were also painted black lately

I must say that the Black on Black on Black (car, rims and grills) does really have it's own garang factor. It gives out a Darth Vader kind of vibe, don't you think so?

Luke, who's your daddy?

Paintshop - Update 1

Went down this morning to Jalan Ipoh to buy a few needed items for my car to complete the transformation. The price for the rear window rubber and fender blinkers (smoked) is considerable cheaper than getting the workshops to do it for me. Since I was there, I also bought the number plate holder and rear break pads. For the price, it was worth the long drive there....

The "crew" then drove down to our workshop to leave Black Beauty's angle eye and black kidney grill update. As the guys were working on her, we proceeded to the PaintShop to check on the progress.

The paint slingers should be throwing paint by Monday if all goes smooth.... no pun intended. : )

Friday, February 17, 2012

Rebirth of an Eagle...

You've probably seen this motivational powerpoint slide circulated about how an eagle will have to make a difficult decision in it's 40th year to either do nothing and die OR to go into exile, go through a painful tranformation of CHANGE where it knocks it's beak out on a rock, pulls it's talons out, pluck all it's old feathers out.... and when all is complete, transform into a more magnificant eagle and an extra 30 years of life!

Well, according to the wildlife experts, it's a hoax. A great motivational video for us to embrace change and go through transformation... but a hoax nonetheless.

But what is NOT a hoax is the transformation my E39 will have to go through to become a magnificant beast of itself.

I knew that there were a couple of problem spots on her, but when I saw the spy pics I got, I was really surprised me how much work was actually needed...

 ps. Thanks a lot to the paparazzi who went there to check up on my car while I had to work...

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

How do you blow 10 days while you wait for your ride?

Well, the car is now at the painters - to fix the new body kit and get a new colour painted. The shop is in Sunway. It is a bit more expensive than your normal painters but I've seen the quality of their work and also some of the cars they've painted and I must say I am more comfortable leaving it in their hand. Hopefully they remember all my instructions and the finish of their work is exactly what I have in my mind.

It will take about 10 days to complete.... so, how do you blow 10 days while you wait for your ride?

1) You start thinking what kind of shoes do you put on her when you get her back? Thank you, Google Image!
2) You go online, search and download the E39 Owner's manual and try to get to know your baby a lil' more intimately (Click Here)

Arrgghhh... this is going to be 10 really loonnnggggg.... ass days...

M5 Folding Mirror and Fender Grill Pre-fitted

The M5 Folding Side Mirrors and the M5 Fender Grill are officially installed prior for it going to the paint shop to complete the conversion. I also had to change the bonnet release cables as the original ones were no longer doing it's job. Opening the bonnet before this was such a b*tch and the old cable were so perished beyond repair.

The M5 grill and side mirrors were pre-installed in advance to ensure it fits and works before it goes to paint. I was very happy with the installation and the finish of their work. So it fits - Check.

However for some reason, the memory function of the mirrors were not fully functional. It folds perfectly but my car comes with memory seat also and the mirror adjustment should also be able to be saved together with it. Bummer!

The seller assured me it's an easy fix which he ensured will be corrected and that it can be done when the conversion is complete. I was rushing to get all the bodykit and car to the paint shop before it closed tonight that I didn't have this to get it corrected there and then. I'll have to bring it back to them after my other exterior mods are complete.

I'll post up more pics of the M5 Fender Grill and Folding Mirror in action when I get the time. For now... here's a preview from how it works. Lansee factor +1.

Sunday, February 12, 2012

It is officially mine....

After all the effort of trying to find the perfect car (that fits my budget - so you know there is going to be a compromise on my definition of "perfect"), I officially signed the papers that makes me the proud new owner of this 1997 BMW e39 528i.

It is nothing now... but in the words of the wise Barney Stinson ...
Suit up, because it is going to be LEGEN...wait for it...DARY